Transparency and How We Charge

… place your trust in us

Transparency and How We Charge

We are committed to total transparency in relation to all aspects of the work that we carry out on your behalf. This extends to the ensuring that you are provided with the best possible information about how much an item of work is likely to cost you.

Free Initial Consultation

In virtually all areas of our work we offer an initial consultation which is completely free of charge. This initial consultation is aimed at understanding the nature of your problem, Its legal issues and assessing whether (and how) we may be able to assist. If we agree to deal with your case, We shall discuss the basis for calculating our charges for further advice.

How Much will I have to pay?

The overall cost will depend on a number of factors including: your individual circumstance; the scope and nature of the work required; and the complexity and importance of the matter. Wherever possible, we shall endeavor to provide you with an estimate of costs before you decide to go ahead. Generally, we would expect our final cost to be reflective of our estimates. However, in certain cases it may be that due to various factors (such as unexpected developments, new information, changes in assumptions) additional work may be required to progress and or conclude your matter. In such cases we shall bring to your attention any such factors, explain the implications and provide you with a revised and or update cost estimate.
In Appropriate cases we shall consider the availability of suitable Legal Expenses Insurance.

How we charge

The basis for our charging policy is explained in our Terms of Business, a copy of which we shall ask you to read, sign and return to us at the outset of your case.
We are happy to answer any request and or queries for information about costs (or any other aspects of your case) at any time.

Examples of our costs

To assist you in understanding how our change of policy works in practice we have set out examples of our charges for various types of legal work under the subject headings on the website.

Chhokar & Co Solicitors

a business name of
ChhokarLaw LLP -OC448596

29a The Broadway
Southall, UB1 1JY

Legal Information

SRA No: 8005713
VAT No: GB 676 065 120

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